Category | Topics |
Questions & HelpAsk any bot related questions you may have.
Are you stuck on something, want some advice or some (friendly) opinions from other builders? |
Bot Builds & DesignsThis is the place to share the robots you’re working on! CAD, construction, soldering, repairing, build diaries, you name it.
For Sale & ServicesThe place to post bot parts and other things robot related you’re looking to sell.
Also the place to advertise your services (Printing, CNCing etc) BBB are not responsible for sales & transactions that occur. |
Events & ReportsTalk about upcoming & past events in robot combat.
Post event reports, share photos and videos from events you’ve been to. |
BBB AnnouncementsWhere BBB Announces things!
CAD ResourcesA place to share CAD files for commonly used parts. Or CAD tips and tricks with specific software, including 3D printing and machining.