🦞 Lob-ster - mammoth inspired beetleweight build diary & iterations!

I’ve taken Lob-ster :lobster: v2 off the shelf to do some upgrades for Bognor this weekend!

First up, the wide style lego tyres kept coming off the hubs (probably a design fault my end) so while I’m actually enjoying 3D printing at the moment, I moulded some PU wheels on to TPU hubs, under guidance from @Craig and his excellent bop tyres.

Now the main upgrade! of course, more beans! A beefier fresh delivery stangbox XL™️ (thank you @Strang_H :heart:) now with a hardened hex shaft that should be harder to shear than the cheese shaft on Grab Crab

That hex shaft needed a tasty hub, made up by legendary @Filo:

And we’re moving to 6S for this silly endeavour, so a very trendy tiny Repeat AM32 dual for drive now!

Finally a big failure at Lob-ster’s summer outing was @Tweedy tearing the back out, so I’ve made the whole chassis box one TPU lump (and a bit wider to fit the much thicker battery and most of the much longer weapon motor…)

And lob-ster’s ready to go

A couple tests, calcs say it’s ~300rpm now, I think more reduction for the future if I can fit bigger gears in!