BBB speed controller not working


I have purchaced a esc from the BBB store, but it doesnt apear to be working. I have wired up everything like the diagram on the page shows. The drive motors work just not the spinner. I have tryed with a new esc aswell but it still didnt work. I was told by someone that i should scratch the gold of the pads. But it still didnt work :confused:

Any help would be appreciated. Im probably just missing something.


Some photos of your setup would be helpful. It’s quite hard to work out what’s wrong just from a description

And you shouldn’t scratch the gold off the pads. That’s the conductive bit, it won’t do anything without it

Here is a picture. Sorry its a little messy, first time.

That soldering for sure needs some work I’m afraid. Slightly too much solder and perhaps not quite enough heat.

Are you getting a song or beep tone from the motor when it is turned on? If not the ESC or motor connections are dud.

If you are getting the tone but no movement I think it is not calibrating a zero throttle and so won’t start that way. Make sure your throttle is at zero (and make sure it’s hooked up to the right channel, 3 not 4) lower the trim on the throttle as low as it will go and it should arm.

I am not getting any sound from the esc or motor. Though all connections seem sound. Il have another check. Is there a way i can see if the esc is powered?

Multimeter is the best way but if you have an LED or motor you can put on the ESC terminals that’s a decent ghetto indicator

BIG EDIT - rescanned the picture

Are you only running 1s? That’ll also do it. It’ll need a minimum of 2s to work.

What do you mean by only running ones?

The amount of cells in your battery, usually 1 cell batteries provides 3.7 v like yours, you need a 2 cell battery for the esc to be powered (this should have 7.4v).

1s, shortened version of saying one cell. Looks like you only have a single 3.7v lipo cell powering everything. That’s likely too low a voltage as the esc is designed for 2-4 cell (7.4v-14.8v) operation. Most ants run 2 or 3cell.

Oh, so i just need to get another 2 of thoes cells and wire them in series?

I would create (or buy) a single 2 cell pack. Remember the normal malenki nano is only rated for 2cell operation.

One of these would be an option:

Its a bit on the large side, but isn’t unreasonably heavy for an ant battery. It should also plug directly into your current connector. (Double check though, I’ve seen some wired backwards)

I would also suggest removing your weapon from the motor when you are testing it. The motors have a tendency to throw themselves around at the best of times, and the weapon bar will make that an unpleasant experience

Ok, thanks for your help guys. Would you have a charger recommendation for that battery?

BBB have charger recs down the bottom of the page here

As others have noted, a single cell isn’t going to provide enough voltage for the spinner.

However, I think that pack also won’t provide enough current.

Looking carefully at your battery, it looks like it has a protection circuit board. This is normal for single cell lipo packs used in devices such as smart phones, speakers etc. It will contain a current-limiting circuit which will probably limit the current to be too low to spin up your weapon, even though the drive may work ok. I suggest using a 2S RC lipo pack. These don’t have a protection circuit so you need to be more careful, but can get a lot more power out.