Featherweight Brushless Drive ESC recomendations

Hi, does anyone have any recommendations for a featherweight brushless drive ESC’s. As I have been looking at retiring Terabyte for Bevs (as its way to sweaty). So i have decided to build an electric flipper somewhat like Grab Crab. For drive i am looking at using a pair of 4250’s and i am stuck looking for a cheap brushless ESC. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hey Liam,

Welcome to the forum!

Sadly at featherweight scale brushless ESCs can be a bit of a pain to program sometimes - many of them you need to cut open the heatshrink and find programming pads etc.

The go to for cheap brushless ESCs for drive / weapon for quite a long time was redbrick 80A / 200As but the programmers for them have totally gone these days.

I think you could get away with a Botbitz brushless 30A if you don’t want to program the ESCs yourself as they recommend using them with a 4248 (I would have assumed you need to go for a bigger ESC, but that’s what they recommend!)

The easier to program option would be 50A vescs but they’ve shot up in cost in the last couple years!


5045 200kv brushless outrunners, single belt reduction and Vesc.

That’s what we use on Rambi and has worked perfectly.

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Thanks for the information. I have done a bit more digging and found a DYS BLheli_32 70a. Is there any reason that this wouldn’t work?

I’ve used dys controllers in all my brushless beetles and have got some of those controllers, they are very good. Keep in mind that you’ll need some kind of interface to program them to reverse, either a usb device or an Arduino, and the blheli32 software.

There are also botbitz 80A controllers if you can find them, that may work for your needs :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help, Botbitz don’t seem to have any 80a ESC’s in stock so I’ll look into the DYS 80a as I can reprogram them to reverse. Do you have any idea how they will deal with accelerating a Larger motor(4250) with a decent amount of weight on them.

And again thanks for the help :slightly_smiling_face:

Potentially ranglebox could get the botbitz ones, they are the UK stockists I believe.

I think the 80A ones will handle the load with a good enough reduction, however I haven’t used them before. The 70A ones are good but don’t have a big heatsink. The botbitz 80A ones are much bigger with a larger heatsink so I’d trust them more for larger loads. Hopefully the DYS ones are similar.

Hope that helps :slightly_smiling_face: