Houndeye - My first combat robot

I’ve put fur on the top, and I plan on taping all the electronics I can to the front. Yes, taping. The whole point of the redesign was so I didn’t have to spend half an hour putting 2 screws in.

Rock and Robots 11 had the largest cast yet of 14 robots. I went 0-4 in the main contest due to forks being loose and the drive being overpowered.

However, in the rumble I was able to make it to the last 5 and ended up on my back along with a shuffler. The other 3 all fell out but, since I was presumed out but still slightly moving, I won the rumble setting SOA career record at 2-12!

I’ll be adding something to help me tun upside down next time, tightern my screws and not listen to my dad. If next time I bring a clusterbot where 1 has 10000 volts of electricity that happens to be going through slightly snapped wires and is emitting sparks and another that just so happens to be leaking lighter fluid, blame him.

Quick question, how do you reduce motor power?

Congrats on another event!

If the bot is too fast to control you have three options:

  • Turn down the output of the transmitter k using the dual rate settings). This is easy to do, but it reduces your pushing power too. Effectively you get 0-50% throttle with 0-100% on the stick so your control is finer.
  • Swap to lower RPM motors. You keep the same power but it is delivered at a lower speed. Obviously this means swapping the motors (I use 300 or 400 RPM with the bigger wheels).
  • Swap to smaller wheels. Requires a full redesign so probably not an option.