Migraine Robotics - The Bots That Never Were

Ello. So i like designing bots, but most dont get build for whatever reason. so i kinda wanna make this thread of CAD’s i got laying about. saying something about em. maybe it can inspire someone to make one like it. and also a fun journey through my billion ideas

Past Time
Hey, its a Hammersaw!

One of my first designs i made in blender. this was after my first 2 beetles. i bought some motors from bbb, and asked Ellie what kinda stuff it could power. she said a hammersaw, and since they are some of my fav weapon types, i wanted to make one.

Sadly, this being me in 2021 and not knowing how to robot much, this never happend. but it wasnt the last hammersaw i would try and design.

Bert The OG Vert
the one that didnt make it

The Original Bert Cad! this one was planned to be made, and i got the disc made. sadly, as seen in the Bert Topic, it was never completed till like a year later. i do still like the shape tho!

a non tryhard kitbot? impossible

This was ment to become a kitbot. tpu chassis, with 4mm alu top and bottem. something for newcomers to join the sport with and then build their own bot after. this was made since i think most kitbots are like, too good. i see a kitbot as something to evolve from, not stay with (cough cough Peterbar). This one may see a ressurection in some time!

The Hamburgular
crab anyone?

To me it just looks like hes getting ready to chew on a hamburger. this got replaced with whoop! later, since i just couldnt get my mind around the grab system. would love to retry this design in some time

Ant Front Hinge
Have you got a srimech? no

I fully designed and kinda build it, and then, well it didnt self right, or really flip well. so it was canned. still like the look of it but overall just dissapointed.

Do you ever just look at rules, and think, how can i abuse them

Most Recent adittion to this list. i saw the rules of aws, and was like, ok but no height limit, TOWERVERT?? if i had more spare electronics, this couldve existed and fought in luxembourg. 223mm spinner wouldve been mental (and scary)

Ant Hypnodisc
Drive to Spin? wait thats not right

We were doing a non spinner comp called Gwars offline, and ofcourse, i was like, yes, spinner. but this one would use the turning of the front wheels to drive the robot, like the Hypnodisc Pullback toy. fun idea in theory, a headache to figure out, and then i saw that it wouldnt even spin like impressively, so it got canned

Babe Rillings
Sorry about your COPYRIGHT

I wanted a new hs, and when i was designing it, it just felt like reinventing Underwear. which i was then like, nah. so i didnt continue

Beetle Malice
Love you Malice

I would lie if i said i didnt love malice. this cad is basically ready, except for some holes. but its unlikely to finished, since i got way too many spinners atm

Rush (Lifter Edition)
Not a Rush build (ill see myself out)

Take my dads bot, and then add a lifter onto it, and you got this. i couldnt figure out the 4 bar system, so i halted the design. i may revisit and spice it up in the future. a 4 mars motor lifter sounds too much fun tbh.

Rush (Clawviper Edition)
deja vu, ive been in this place before

The actual OG Rush design. it was ment to be a beetle Clawviper, but i didnt get that far. instead it turned into a speedbuild replacement for Bert for Eindhoven

Gladiator (Version 1)
Smash your competition baby
Show us some good entertainment
Victory’s your only payment
Gladiator gladiator

This one was also basically build, but, after going to Bristol with Bert, i completely redesigned it, mainly since the inserts were a bad idea. this probably was the most evolved cad that was never build.

Hammersaw the 2nd
Seriously, i like hammersaws

This Chunkster™ robot was my 2nd try of a hammersaw. and again, was never build. looking at the size, it would probably not even be close to weight

Moth Towervert
When in doubt, Towervert

After Rapture 2023, me and my friend Moth talked bout her robot. she had a massive bar, and couldnt really use it or knew how to improve her bot. so during a call, i cadded this up. i do love myself a biiig towervert!

Hammersaw the 3rd
I dont know anymore

Did i say, i like hammersaws? Well this was my most recent attempt. alas it was not completed. funny tho soon gonna design another one :stuck_out_tongue:

Its an undercutter, that wears you down, do you get it? (ill actually leave now)

I got the Disc cut, and then never continued with it. so its another dead project. very unlikely ill do this again, but you never know. this was mainly made cuz of me not enjoying the groundgame after Bristol (damn you Schism!)

And that Concludes all unfinished cads as of right now, maybe in half a year ill have more cads just laying about. we will see!


Ah yes, the mighty towervert! You know what someone needs to do? The towerhoz! I feel like someone would call you out for the first one, since it’s hard to get away with having 90% of a robot be a spinner… Hypno-ant has already been done (I think) but it the wheel-to-spin mechanism sounds weird. Bit of a squeeze though.

Bert The Vert (the vert that does indeed vert) made a cameo(ish)! Yippee!

Really interesting. I draw out all my bot concepts into a little notebook, but tbh I keep a lot of them close to my chest - though I do share it if I’m ever chatting to anyone already thinking along similar lines to a specific design I have. I’d always be happy to talk four bars if you ever return to Rush!

i may take you up to this offer, it might be something for Dortmund :stuck_out_tongue:

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