Questions about bbb events

Hello everyone. My name is Daniel. Some of you who’ve been on the antweight circuit for a while may remember me. I havnt competed for about 5 years and am looking at getting back into robot building and fighting. I have some questions regarding bristol bot builders events.

.how many robots am i allowed to enter into the competition?
.is there a 50% elimination rule for clusterbots?
.are there any differences in rules from aws?
.are we still allowed yo use transmitters/receivers that run dsm2/dsmx as this is what i have currently?

Thanks in advance for any replies. To those i used to fight robots with, itll be good to see you all again at an event soon. Also, i cant wait to meet the new people that have started since i left before.

Thanks guys.
Kind regards, Daniel Jackson.

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Hi Daniel!

The changes in rules from AWS are listed here: Ant Rules. Cluster and transmitter rules are unchanged.

For a BBB competition you can enter two bots: one full combat and one for the 2v2 plastic ant (PLANT) comp

The main rule change is that bots must fit in a 200mm square instead of a 4" cube

And for the PLANT competiton:

  • Plastic weapons and armour only
  • Active weapon required
  • No acetate allowed

It’s also possible that locking bars will be required for spinners in both comps, as a number of other events require them now. If they are needed I expect it’ll be announced when signups open for the event

Welcome back Daniel!
Everything that Jed says is true, just bear in mind our calendar is pretty full for the rest of 2024 so if you’re looking for ant action over the next few months I’d look over at to find some events local to ya :slight_smile:
The rules in the ant scene have definitely changed a bunch since you last competed, very few competitions are still running the cube rule, most implementing a larger restriction or no restriction at all. Again as Jed says, you can check out our rules on that link and there should also be links to other EOs rulesets there too!

Thanks guys. Is a locking bar just a piece of metal that goes in front of the spinner to stop it from spinning up or is it something more specific than that? Could i use an alan key for example?

Lucky for you I just wrote up a whole guide about them :slight_smile:
But yes, with caveats.