I basically want a lighter replacement for the fat 200g 12v 37mm 100 RPM motor and was wondering if anyone knows or has experience with a different motor and gearbox with torque values that match or are similar to this one?
As a side note, I was also wondering if anyone has ran a 12v 37mm motor reliably on 4s? I’m aware you can get a bit of leeway by over volting motors a little but I obviously don’t want one dying every match.
Sup boss, used to run one on OG ares. Motor itself was fine on 4S. I know Toucan also uses one for it’s entire grab & lift system. So they do the business!
Ares now runs a Banebots P61S gearbox with a Leopard LBH3650-32T 1185KV. The motor itself is a bit shite, I’m looking at moving to something else, the setup is pretty solid, but at the cost of being like 370g.
Hop has talked a bit about bwushless gearboxes so I’ll go on and say that you can go for something like a 24mm 100:1 gearbox with a 2836 outrunner on it for around 150g of weight (please check yourself before you rush to buy) - I ran a 28mm 100:1 with an Overlander 2836 outrunner mounted on the first iteration of my BW Bonbonbonbon, and it lifted with more torque at a higher speed than a 37mm 50:1 that I had ran previously, for exactly the same weight - pictured here:
As for 4S on a 37, it should take it fairly well. I know there are people in the scene who have run those specs, but I’ve not personally so I would take my advice on that with a pinch of salt.
I also had this problem when designing Déjà Two, because I can’t spare the weight for a 37mm motor for the weapon. My solution was this brushed motor: 34 RPM Econ Gear Motor
34 RPM 24mm (if I recall correctly) brushed motor, rated for ~110kgf-cm stall at 12V. I run it on 4S with an additional reduction of 1:2 with some hardened steel gears, and this works quite well for a grab-and-lift. I did however lose the gearbox on one at Rapture (having used the same motor in 12 previous fights), so may not be as robust as other options. It only weighs ~100g though!
Yeah 37s are perfectly happy on 4S in my experience. I ran the same pololu one on Luchador MK1.5, MK2 and the earlier iterations of MK3.
Probably 25 fights or so total, about two thirds of those at 4S at a guess.
A 37mm replacement is a tough nut to crack. Their combination of robustness and torque are hard to match in lighter packages.
For Luchador I ended up going with an absurdly powerful and utterly insanely expensive 4S 93kgcm servo. But that brings its own compromises - limited range of motion and extremely high potential cost of replacements should it die.
Probably a more sensible option would be mating a mid sized brushless motor to a high reduction gearbox like strang has on lifter Bonbonbonbon. Although weight savings there are minimal - as such high reduction gearboxes tend to be heavy anyway.