Superior violence - my first spinner

new cad coming very soon, for now have a calculation I did with the BBB tip speed calculator. From what I have seen online this is an absurdly high Kinetic energy for a UK antweight and a bit above average for a US antweight, which makes me think I may have gotten my MOI a bit off due to Onshape using lb*mm^2 and making me have to convert with a random website which may have rounded up

Anyhow as said previously more cad to come, possibly today and goodbye!

Sorry for taking a bit longer than I said it would take, I kinda forgot.

I have kept the rough layout of the internals, with a bit of movement to allow better access to the switch and lower down drive motors.

I am going to purchase 2mm foam rubber and glue it to the underside of the legs for grip to allow it to stay still while spinning up along with switching to some 100rmp N20s I accidentally bought in order to stay stable on the ground even if it will significantly slow the bot down.

The weapon assembly is at a 10 degree angle, leading to the front end being only 2cm off the ground, allowing it to hit most robots. I have kept the adapter from the original design However if I find it too weak in testing I will have one cut from lasered which will directly bolt onto the motor.

The top plate is going to be cut from 1mm polycarbonate, with 2mm diameter holes for screws.

Anyhow, any advice or criticism is appreciated, and more updates to come.

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Printing out first prototype of the new chassis!