Transmitter not connecting

I am currently building my first beetleweight robot and have hit a few roadblocks but have been able to figure them out, however this one has be stumped.
After installing a new ESC for one of the drive sides I turn the bot on and the transmitter no longer connects, despite it being the same reciever I have been using the whole time, so I know that it is bound. I have tried fully charging the battery incase it was low, tested another reciever that I know works, but each to no avail. If anyone has any idea what could be causing this as it seems like the rx is not even recieving power, please advise. I’ve included a video below to show the problem.
Any advice would be great.

2 questions: what ESCs are you using? and does the RX have a BEC powering it?

Have you soldered the receiver pins / did they come soldered?

Sometimes people don’t solder them and then the connection is loose.

Can you post a photo of the connectors going into the receiver?
Do you have a BEC that powers the receiver?

The reciever pins have all been soldered, and the reciever works when I test it in a different bot. I am using the 6v 0.5A tiny BEC.

What is strange is that I have had the bot work completely fine, as in the exact same electronics where used in this video:

To me in that photo it looks like you’ve got the servo plugs plugged in to the receiver upside down - from the view of the photo you want the black wires (ground) at the top and white wires (signal) at the bottom

this image from our receiver guide should hopefully help:

Yeah, I agree with Joe the servo connectors are upside down.

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Oh my goodness, thank you so much. You have no idea how much I am facepalming right now. Switched them around and now the bot is working again. Thank you so so so much.


No worries, glad to hear it :slight_smile: