Hi folks!
I’m sure after a couple of events, many folks have seen my mostly stainless steel beetleweight, Fatal Deviation. It probably comes as no surprise looking at the thing to know that I have been a hobbyist welder/fabricator off and on for 20 years, and into my half of the garage I share with my flatmate I’ve managed to shoehorn a welding table, a couple of welders, and a belt grinder. I am also currently taking some time off work and so have lots of free time to spend building robots, both for myself and other people.
I have machines that can handle TIG, stick, and FCAW (flux core MIG), and can weld or braze most ferrous alloys including stainless and hardox. I can also theoretically weld titanium, but haven’t had a chance to experiment yet. Maximum material thickness depends on the work required, but is somewhere around 6-8mm. I can’t weld aluminium.
If you have parts that need welding, or ideas for a bot that you haven’t seriously considered because it requires some welding work, please let me know!
I’m a little short on good photos of my work, but here’s some of my projects; I’ll update if I find any more or do some more welding as an excuse to take more photos.
2mm stainless steel, TIG
Previous chassis plus an extra 2mm piece TIG brazed on top.
Scrap metal dragon, FCAW
Camper van storage and retractable bed, mixed TIG + FCAW.